Parliamentary Event with Renewable UK, NFU & Solar Energy UK

With speeches from representatives of farmers in support of solar and wind generation
Chris Hewett, CEO SolarEnergyUK

RUK & Solar Energy UK extended an invitation to PRASEG's network of Parliamentarians and industry supporters for an event in support of farmers looking to renewable energy to support the decarbonisation of their operations and diversify land use. 

RenewableUK and Solar Energy UK invited farmers from across the UK to this Parliamentary reception to come and demonstrate their support for renewable energy with speeches from PRASEG's Chair, Bim Afolami MP, the NFU and Solar Energy UK's Chris Hewett.

PRASEG's Chair emphasised the need for renewable developments to be in the right locations, which can include on farmland to enable farmers an alternative fuel source to power their operations and move away from diesel and oil, in particular. 

Representatives from industry explained the benefits of agrivoltaic farming to the productivity of their crop yields and to ecological gains. These benefits are in addition to income diversification for farmers, as well as savings from access to low-cost power.