Onshore Renewables: Planning Regimes and Community Benefits

onshore renewables meeting

On March 26, 2024, PRASEG hosted the 'Onshore Renewables: Planning Regimes and Community Benefits' event, chaired by Peter Aldous MP. The meeting provided an opportunity for developers, policymakers, and industry leaders to discuss the intricacies of planning onshore renewable projects and the role of community benefit schemes in fostering positive public engagement.

The event featured two panels. The first panel, focusing on planning regimes, included Dr. Rebecca Windemer from Regen, Grant Douglas from Scottish Power, and Gemma Grimes from Solar Energy UK. Discussions covered the challenges of planning regimes, social approval processes, and the impact of policy updates on wind farm development in England. 

The second panel explored public engagement and community benefits, featuring Dr. Rebecca Windemer, Callum Whiteford from RES, Katy Woodington from RWE, and Gemma Grimes. Panellists highlighted organisational perspectives on community benefit schemes, emphasising strategies for effective public engagement and balancing stakeholder interests. Discussions included the potential impact of community benefit schemes on public support, the standards for benefit levels, and the role of Parliamentarians in facilitating these processes.

Overall, the event provided valuable insights into the current landscape of onshore renewables in the UK, underscoring the importance of robust planning regimes and effective community engagement in achieving sustainable development goals.